Monday, November 9, 2009


I just joined NaNoWriMo, a week late, which makes it even more challenging. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of November without worrying about editing or anything. It's all about output and quantity. I like the idea a lot. I don't know how well I'll do. I've joined a week late, and I have two shows going on right now - one goes up in a week, but I have to try it. If I don't get it done this year, I'll try again next year. I was just thinking about how I only have revision projects right now and nothing creative. This is the perfect thing to fill that need. There is no real pressure, though I would like to finish in the time limit. If I don't, I'll have the start of a new novel to work on. Such a cool thing.
Writing is a great answer to frustration, and I have quite a bit of that right now. It's better to channel it into something productive. This is perfect. I'm considering writing at night after everyone has gone to bed, but I'm always so exhausted by the end of the day. I should start dragging my butt out of bed at 5 again. That would give me a couple extra hours. I've taken on a major challenge. 50,000 words in 3 weeks is a little daunting, but I'll try my best. What else can I do?

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