Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I woke up ridiculously early this morning after barely sleeping. What sleep I got last night was filled with dreams of writing and revising, weird writing stress dreams. I made good progress on the NaNoWriMo novel yesterday, just over 6,000 words. It's a start. It's fun project. I've been thinking about this book for a while, and it gives me an excuse to write it and not stop to worry about whether it's any good or not. It's a different style from what I usually write, and I'm hoping I can turn it into a novel. I think I can.
I just realized this morning that I have two weeks until Wizard of Oz goes up. I was a little stressed thinking about my double rehearsal Tuesdays and then got more stressed when I realized that there were only two and the show goes up really soon. I have a lot to do, but these things always pull together in the end. The after school program just had a week long break, so I am really hoping the kids are off book. They were starting to be before we took a week off, but I never know what to expect from the kids. Some are really into it and work really hard and others just blow it off but somehow pull through last minute. It's nerve wracking.
The holidays are fast approaching, and I have barely had any time to think about them. Thanksgiving is three weeks away and Christmas is about six. I'm so focused on shows and writing right now, that I'm not sure where we're going for Thanksgiving or if we're staying home. Part of me wants to just stay home and relax, but holidays have always been about family, and the kids should not miss out just because I'm tired. It was kind of crazy taking on two shows this fall/winter, but I think they're going to turn out well. Still, I'll be glad to have Jan-March to relax and just teach theatre games and scene writing twice a week. This week will be tough, next week will be tougher, then it will be slightly easier until we get into crunch time for Christmas Carol. My mind is so scattered right now.

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