Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Trying to be a writer is hard. I've had to learn to accept rejection, and that is a struggle. As rejection after rejection come back, I've had to take a good look at myself. Am I willing to endure this in hopes of having success later on? Yes. I've found that I am. I've had to stop taking criticism too personally and accept that my writing needs more work. I'm trying to learn from my mistakes and make my future writing better.
The thing is, I don't know what I would do instead. Nothing else satisfies me the way writing does. I am a solitary creature, and I like creating my own worlds. The people in my stories are dear friends and much easier to understand than real people. I like people. I just don't understand them, and my perception of them is skewed.
My biggest fear is failure, but I've changed my approach. I view things as challenges, not as insurmountable obstacles. I'm defining what success is and setting numerous smaller goals. I know with a step by step approach, I will complete many of my goals. My new mantra is "positive thinking, hard work, determination". With these three things, I feel like I can achieve any goal.
I'm glad for the rejections I've received. They've changed me and my perspective. I'm growing. I know some day the rejections will turn into successes, and I will be a better and more deserving person by then. Change is terrifying, but change is good.