Tuesday, August 27, 2013


The problem with being a writer/blogger, mom of 2, personal trainer, drama director, Zumba instructor, etc. is that I have very little time to read. I love reading. Love it. There is nothing better than escaping into a different world and taking on a different life for a few hours (or days depending on the book). When I was a kid I spent hours reading - every day. Basically, any time I wasn't doing something that involved both hands, I was reading a book. My parents even let me read at the dinner table a couple of times. (Best. Parents. Ever.)

Then I had kids and bought a house and got a couple jobs. Life got busy, and I found there were a lot of other things that needed to be done. Reading became a distant memory for a while. I would squeeze it in whenever I could, but I could never read for more than an hour - if I could even find that much time.

I felt guilty about it. I want to be a writer, but I'm not reading books. When I do read, I am re-reading my old books. While I do love re-reading books until I have them almost committed to memory, I felt like I was missing out. There are so many great books out there, and I want to read them all.

Lately, I have started reading again. I've made some pretty awesome friends, and we've started a book club. It's a great excuse to start reading again (not to mention having a night out every once in a while). It's been great. Normally, even when I try to find a new book, I tend to stick to certain genres or authors. I know what I like, and while I would like to try something new, I always fall back on my favorites. The book club has introduced me to books that I never would have chosen on my own, and they've all been great.

One of my goals for the rest of 2013 is to read more. It's not going to be easy. Even with the kids at school I still have a lot going on. But, I definitely want to find the time to read more. It's my favorite way to relax. I'd like to read different genres, too, and I would love some suggestions!

What are some great books that I need to read?

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