Saturday, August 24, 2013

Plays By Em

It's been a really long time since I posted anything here. I could make a lot of excuses, but I really just let other areas of my life take over for a while. I added a couple new jobs. My schedule gets busier the older the kids get. It can be hard to find the time to write.

I have managed to do some writing. I've got a couple new books started, and I've written a few more plays. The one act plays for my middle school students have really been going well. I'm lucky to have a job that pretty much requires me to write a play every year. It's nice to be able to stage them and figure out what needs to be fixed. The kids and audiences have liked them pretty well. I wrote a Christmas one that had a really great reception.

I'm having a back to school special on my scripts. They are all one acts, run under an hour, and are perfect for middle or high school actors. Perfect for one act festivals. For any teachers/directors, you can find the complete list of plays here: Plays By Em

So, I am back to blogging and back to focusing on my writing. It is still my goal to make a living doing the thing I love most, so I need to start dedicating more time to making it happen. I need to take more chances and believe in my abilities.

In addition to my writer ramblings, I'll be posting bits and pieces of my writing. I'd love some feedback. The scariest thing is letting other people see my work. What better place to do it than on a blog?

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