Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Day of Writing

Yesterday was a fabulous day. It was cold, raining, and windy. I did have any clients, and my day was free from 9am-3pm. I spent the time writing. It was fabulous. I rarely have more than an hour or two to dedicate to writing. Yesterday felt indulgent.

It's a good thing I had the time. I've been working on a Christmas play for my students, and it has been a struggle. I wrote before about how difficult it is to create a holiday show. This one has been hard. I had it almost complete but couldn't find a way to end it. I wasn't feeling good about it. I know when something isn't working, and this script was not working.

On Monday during some brief down time between classes, I had an idea. I decided the story would be better if it focused more on the antagonist than the protagonist. The protagonist was boring and not moving the show along. The rewrites would have been extensive, and I wasn't thrilled with the plot I had. I decided to just start over.

I was excited to start over. It can be a frustrating process, but this time I knew what the story would be. I knew it would be better than the previous script. Six hours later I am one scene away from finishing the script, I know how I'm going to end it, and it's a lot better than the first draft.

Such a great, productive, creative day. It was just what I needed.

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